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#365- Who exactly was Enoch?

Who exactly was Enoch? Question at 10:03. 'Coming Attractions' reads from Galatians. 'Church Search' visits Upper Saddle River, NJ.

#364 - Is resentment toward another's action a sin?

Is resentment toward another's action a sin?  Question at 10:30.  'Coming Attractions' reads from Luke.  'Church Search' visit Akron, OH. Summer Season previews with our intern, Kady.

#363 -- Is there a vocation for the single person?

Is there a vocation for the single person? Question at 9:12.  'Coming Attractions' reads from Galatians.  'Church Search' visits Michigan.

#362- Do other religions do the Sign of the Cross?

Do other religions do the Sign of the Cross?  Should I be concerned about how my daughter practices the Sign of the Cross?  Coming Attractions features a reading from the Gospel of Luke.  Church Search visit Boise, ID.

#361-Why do some hold hands during the Lord's Prayer?

Why do some hold hands during the Lord's Prayer? Question is at 5:35.  Coming Attraction reads from Romans.  Church Search visits Jonesboro, Arkansas.

#360-Why does the priest put a piece of the host in the cup?

Why does the priest put a piece of the host in the cup?  Question begins at 7:30.  Coming Attractions reads from Romans.  Church Search visits West Virginia.

#359-How can we believe in something we cannot prove?

How can we believe in something we cannot prove? Question begins at 10:07.  Check out our Pentecost in 2 Mins. video on 05-16-13.

#358-Why do we choose a Saint's name for Confirmation?

Why do we choose a Saint's name for Confirmation?  Question begins at 6:00.  Church Search: Knoxville, TN

Coming Attractions: Ascension of the Lord

#357-Is doubt a bad thing?

Is doubt a bad thing? Fr. Dave, Fr. Steve and Barbara discuss this question along with Fr. Steve's recent trip to Austin, TX. And...mac & cheese?!?! Church search: Newark, Delaware