Browsing News Entries

#354 - Is faith different than religion?

Is faith different than religion?  Fr. Dave is back from Rome after the papal election.  Intern Louis joins the podcast.  03-22-13.

#353-Habemus Papam! Pope Francis

The Busted Halo Cast Crew celebrates the election of Pope Francis in this Special Edition of the Busted Halo Cast.  Coming Attractions reads from Ezekiel and Church Search visits Fresno, CA.

#352 - Why doesn't Christ's death and resurrection take away our ability to sin?

Why doesn't Christ's death and resurrection take away our ability to sin? It begins at 6:23.  Coming Attractions is from Ephesians.  Church Search goes to Potomac, MD.

#351 - Is the pope's ring unique to each pope?

Is the pope's ring unique to each pope?  We are in the Interregnum.  Soon the conclave begins!  Vote in Papal Madness on the BH Facebook page. 03-01-13.

#350-How do the Cardinals know who to vote for?

The Cast answers three questions about the Papal election process. Question 1 "How do the Cardinals know who to vote for?" is at 9.06.  Question 2 "Can the one chosen decline the election?" is at 13.49.  Question 3 "Can someone campaign to be Pope?" 

#349-What do we call the pope after he resigns?

What do we call the pope after he resigns? Plus: many other questions about Benedict XVI's resignation.  It's LENT! Go to our Fast-Pray-Give calendar at    2-12-13.

#348 - Was Robin Hood sinning when he would rob from the rich to give to the poor?

Was Robin Hood sinning when he would rob from the rich to give to the poor? The question begins at the 7:08 mark. "Coming Attractions" takes a reading from the Gospel of Luke.

#347 What does the Catechism mean when it says that Jesus came to make men gods?

Today's question asks what the Catechism means when it says that Jesus came to make men gods (question starts at 7:00).  'Coming Attractions' features a reading from the Gospel of Luke.  'Church Search' visits Tucson, AZ.

#346-Is the Holy Spirit Jesus' brother?

Is the Holy Spirit Jesus' brother? Also, What are the Knights of the Altar?  Lent is coming up soon--what are you choosing to do for Lent? 01-23-12.

#345-Can NFP be used by a couple with no intention of bearing children themselves?

Fr. Dave, Barbara, and Fr. Steve answer a question about choosing Natural Family Planning in concert with adoption.  Question begins at 8:08. "Coming Attractions" features a reading of the Wedding Feast in Cana.  "Church Search" looks at a Basilica in the