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Indianapolis Archdiocese Looks Into Possible Eucharistic Miracle


Mar. 6 Thursday after Ash Wednesday, Weekday

The ashes are scarcely washed clean from our foreheads. In this second Lenten Mass we get down to work on our spiritual program. The first four Masses in Lent are a unit. They describe the area of concentration and the dimensions of our Lenten program. Today's Mass teaches that it is the soul's life we are concerned with. The Opening Prayer at Mass is the usual one said when beginning a major work.

Mongolian president praised Pope's peace efforts (L'Osservatore Romano)

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari, the apostolic nuncio to Korea and Mongolia, recently presented his diplomatic credentials to the president of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh.

During the meeting—which took place nearly a year after Gaspari’s March 2024 appointment as nuncio—President Khürelsükh “paid tribute to the Holy Father and his action for peace, reiterating that the Mongolian people are praying for his health, and recalled the apostolic journey of September 2023, which contributed to the improvement of interreligious relations,” the Vatican newspaper reported.

The East Asian nation of 3.3 million (map) is 59% Buddhist, 18% ethnic religionist, 5% Muslim, and 2% Christian. Pope Francis visited the nation for four days in 2023.

Pope stable, treatment continues [Thursday PM update] (CWN)

Thursday PM: The Vatican has announced that because the Pope’s condition now appears stable, the press office will no longer deliver twice-daily updates on his status. The next scheduled update will be on Saturday, March 8.

How the Little Sisters of the Poor Offer a Spiritual Haven in the Twilight of Life


Haven't Been to Confession in a While? Here's How in 6 Easy Steps

Will you return to the sacrament of confession this Lent?

Pope Francis: Lent Is a Time to Accept Our Fragility, Rekindle Hope in Jesus
